On December 9, 2008 ended at the Technical Sales Stenio''''Termini Imerese the school project of taking Videogame Design Eng. Piermarco Rosa, Executive Director of the Master in Videogame Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Rome.
The project, lasting thirty hours, was attended by pupils of the fourth and fifth classes of the institution who have demonstrated commitment, enthusiasm and creativity in the classroom.
The course is proposed to introduce students to the profession of game designer, who, in addition to strong creative skills, must also possess the excellent communication skills, excellent knowledge of the marketing industry, and of considerable quality management team, as it does to coordinate the development team that will make your project into a product to market.
With lessons on the evolution of the electronic entertainment market, the socio-demographic profile of its consumers, and case histories of some successful video games, the students of course have approached this very complex skills, which then began to practice through various exercises (analysis and synthesis of communication, creativity and design) that culminated with the creation of a project document for a video game on mobile. Il mercato dei videogiochi, afferma l'ing. Rosa, nonostante la recessione globale, è l'unico a mostrare ancora una sostanziale crescita di fatturato e di profitti a livello mondiale: si pensi che, solo l?anno scorso, ha registrato da noi in Italia un aumento del giro d?affari di circa il quaranta per cento rispetto all'anno precedente, e che anche per il 2009 le previsioni non sono negative come per molti altri settori del mercato. È in un panorama di questo tipo che si rendono necessari dei corsi di formazione per figure professionali, come quella del game designer, sempre più richieste in un mercato dinamico e proiettato attivamente nel futuro quale è il settore dell'electronic entertainment. A tal proposito è da sottolineare la lungimiranza shown by prof. Anthony Militello, manager of the school''Stenio''in? Offer students the opportunity to participate in this valuable learning experience, and is to be hoped that his example will be followed by others responsible for school education in our country.
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