Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Since this blog will focus on video games, we start with the title that has most touched the strings of my imagination and I think that best represents the concept of the game. It is "Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines for PC. Beccatevi the trailer and then we'll talk about more in an excerpt from the book on game design that I'm finishing.
Bloodlines is the second game of the series of "Vampire: The Masquerade" is drawn from the role-playing game (paper). Created by Troika Games (the authors of the famous Fallout) using the engine of Half Life 2 - well prima che lo stesso Half Life 2 uscisse sul mercato - con risultati prevedibilmente immaturi dal punto di vista tecnico, venne pubblicato nel novembre del 2004 e segnò il fallimento della stessa Troika, che non riuscì a rientrare con i costi di produzione sostenuti, pur avendo trovato un publisher come Activision, a causa delle vendite non esaltanti motivate dalla presenza dei numerosi e irritanti bug di ogni tipo che affliggevano il gioco.
Bloodlines fu infatti un progetto molto ambizioso, che miscelava in un unico prodotto un gioco di ruolo con un first person shooter e con uno stealth action game, annaffiando il tutto con meccaniche da avventura grafica dei vecchi tempi (per esempio nei dialoghi a risposta multipla). Ma la sua più grande ambizione was to be able to make the game experience totally different depending on the selected character, while also providing a high freedom of choices and gameplay in each game.
fact, depending on the type of vampire (or vampire) who decided to play, the title changed significantly its gameplay: for example, playing the monstrous Nosferatu, was forced to live hidden in the shadows, and at continuously so as not to alarm the humans with their presence, it was necessary to use the sewers to move through the different parts of the city and stars always careful to be seen as little as possible. Conversely, if you choose to play as a charismatic Toreador, you could use its own charm to fascinate and subjugate humans, reaching various targets through his charm and powers of persuasion and seduction. If we wanted a more violent and angry, maybe you could opt for the Tremere (a kind of vampire sorcerer with the power to act directly on the blood of other creatures), the animalistic Gangrel who possessed the ability to transform into a wolf , or even the psychopath and completely insane Malkavian.
Thus, to gain entry to a private party where he had been a defendant Nosferatu would crawl in the shadows evading the surveillance at the entrance, while as a Toreador would be more groped should convince the bouncer to let us pass, the Tremere, for their part, would do very few problems were only able to pass on the body of anyone who could not provide access to the villa.
Here is a movie that presents the different clans of vampires in the game (to mention the wonderful background music, the soundtrack of Bloodlines):
Regarding the selection of main character, was a memorable aptitude test presented to the player before starting a game, and that indicates the type of vampire more akin to him according to the answers provided to questions about life every day.
The game then begins with "initiation" of the protagonist in the company of immortals we saw involved in an intricate and intriguing story as set in Los Angeles against the backdrop of a bloody power struggle between the seven clans of vampires intent on possession of the coffin containing the body of one of the oldest and most powerful undead never existed.
Clearly one of the strengths of the game was the charm as a rich narrative context of role-playing Bloodlines paper on which could be based: in "Vampire: The Masquerade" vampires have always existed and coexist with humans while causing the least possible to reveal their presence and obedience to a set established rules of their secret society. Violation of these laws can result in reaching the death penalty (or rather the execution) of a vampire by his peers. Among these rules include, for example, do not reveal their nature as human beings, do not get to kill a human as we are nourished by his blood, or transformed into immortal.
Beyond the different game setting and the opportunity to further customize your character during the course of the game, enhancing each time different and unique abilities, Bloodlines is also distinguished by the variety of possibilities offered to the player to deal with and resolve various situations game. To cite just one of many examples of the richness of gameplay, at one point was the knowledge of the caretaker of a cemetery (ironically called Romero), who asked us a favor and get him some female company for the night, as he was unable to leave his "post-call" because of an undesirable activities of some peripatetic as the dead who had no wish to stand for good in their respective niches. At that point we could decide to follow the proper Romero, going to town to give him a comely maiden with good manners or even with the bad (because they certainly would not have been easy to persuade her to follow in a cemetery), or we might have to offer to replace him for the time at leisure in the city, and we then took his place: it would be a phase of play (rather difficult to tell the truth) that we should have a rifle arm and shoot down all zombies who had tried to leave the gates of the cemetery.
also mention the various and often clinging to the multifaceted and complex plot in front of where you found it, and that would be greatly influenced the evolution of events is the same conclusion of the game (which included the final three totally different) . To show an example of these junctions making enough to tell the incident that saw us meet a girl dying, lying su una barella, durante una delle nostre frequenti sortite in ospedale (per procurarci del nutrimento extra attraverso la corruzione di un infermiere della banca del sangue). La malcapitata giovane ci chiedeva disperatamente di aiutarla, e noi ci rendevamo conto che di lì a poco sarebbe spirata. A quel punto dovevamo scegliere se salvarla con l'unico mezzo a nostra disposizione (cioè facendole bere un pò del nostro sangue immortale) e violare così una delle leggi della società vampirica, oppure ignorare il bisogno di quello sfortunato e insignificante essere umano, restando ligi alle regole della nostra stirpe. Nel caso in cui si fosse corso il rischio di aiutare la ragazza, l'avremmo poi incontrata molto più avanti nel gioco, ormai trasformata in una nostra succube e disposta a far di tutto per compiacerci - per esempio sia procurandoci delle ignare vittime da "prosciugare" sia cambiando totalmente look numerose volte a seconda del nostro capriccio.
Questa molteplicità di approcci al gioco e la presenza di continue scelte e diramazioni della trama principale durante la partita (oltre che l'uso inesperto del complesso motore grafico e fisico di Half Life 2) hanno però prestato il fianco a un pericoloso quanto letale rovescio della medaglia: la possibilità di numerosi bug che si sono in effetti verificati in quantità massiccia nella prima versione uscita sugli scaffali, e che hanno abbassato le vendite del gioco ben al di sotto delle previsioni. A nulla è infatti valso il primo e corposo patch that the Troika has released shortly after the distribution of the bond market: too many errors still remained unresolved, and some were so heavy as to cause the inability to end the game if certain actions were carried out during the game. Troika Games in February 2005 failed, but some of his programmers continued to produce the unofficial patch to solve the problems that still plague gradually Bloodlines. At the same time, though by then it was too late to Troika, the game began to be known through a niche of fans, arriving to become a real cult game with an ever increasing audience of users. To confirm this, after more than three and a half Since its release, although it is now almost perfect and almost free of bugs of any kind, Bloodlines continues to generate such consensus yet as to motivate a work of meticulous perfection that has never stopped and continues through unofficial updates of the game, the last of which came out less than a month ago.
In fact, how can we forget the captivating atmosphere of a Los Angeles night insidious decadent and rebuilt in the game with its suburban streets and the port of Santa Monica, the neighborhood noble and ancient ruins, and modern and full of life, its smoky nightclub and its glowing Chinatown? As well as contributing to the atmosphere magical and dreamlike Bloodlines of his hit music to accompany (There is also a song of our own Lacuna Coil in the credits) and, last but not least, the gallery of the many characters with whom you will interact during the game, each with its own character and his motives, with a story to tell and personality in the round.
Here is an excerpt of the fantastic soundtrack of the game, this is the theme Chinatown, a fascinating plunge into the world of sensory Bloodlines:
Vampire Bloodlines for me is everything a good game should be: emotional experience that involves and passionate, transporting you into a fascinating and hypnotic alternate reality from which we off as a vivid dream.
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