Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Do I Need To Know For Bamboo Reed Fencing

La recensione di Street Fighter II su Consolemania

Boy, I l 'you asked many and long, long time ... I could remain indifferent to such perseverance? Nooo! And then, just near the exit on the console of his long-awaited fourth chapter, I want to make the longed-for gift: here (at last ) scans of my review of Street Fighter II for Super Famicom published Consolemania number 11! was the year 1992 (as they are already old !!!); that there are, I tell you an anecdote: I remember a player that a few months later, in a video game trade show in Milan near me stood before reciting from memory (giuro!) all 5 pages of the article of Capcom fighting Snes (I wonder how many times the devil had read); useless confession that I was shocked and moved between the ... So I dedicate this review to you all (nostalgic) Consolemania ex-players, as well as gaming in its heyday: the hope that video games remain for us always a door open on a fantastic virtual worlds and never stop to seduce us as when we were kids ... Over and out.


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