Remember, love's Stronger, remember, love walks tall. will spring.
This mammablog and Seavessi mainly speaks of the Infanta, sometimes of itself, very little of what is around. It is no coincidence.
The last 18 months have been heavy and Seavessi MaritoNP. At one point, woke in the morning, sgrunteggiavano each other and try to avoid as much as possible.
course I felt at times to take up the situation, but it was like talking to the deaf, each hidden behind the faults of others.
The problem is that Seavessi MaritoNP and have ways of fighting completely different and incompatible.
Seavessi picks a fight, MaritoNP wriggling. Seavessi raises his voice, MaritoNP goes into another room, screaming Seavessi, MaritoNP looks annoyed.
At the end of the tour is successful Seavessi came into power-saving mode, excluded all non-essential functions to mere survival, and it imploded like a tree that sheds its leaves and hopes that winter is not too long and cold.
Seavessi goes out, and left only on the LED (which is also antiecologico).
The blog is born at that moment, and was led Seavessi, the party had to stay on and alive. But because that remained was to be absolutely secret and private.
Seavessi was hidden in the blog.
Then at some point in late January, something happened. Seavessi but did not really know what it was.
Seavessi MaritoNp and discussed, and shouted in a low voice (having screaming in a low voice is one of the most terrible of parenthood). And at some point in Seavessi it is out of a sentence, not heavy, not strong, and MaritoNP was silenced.
E 'bleached.
He opened his blue eyes so similar to those of the Infanta.
said _ti you feel it? NOW I get it.
magical, almost at any moment, the world has begun to turn and to make sense.
Seavessi It took more than a month to be believed.
But this week, Seavessi became aware that they are the leaves grow back.
He started to read with taste and that almost physical pleasure that give good books
He started to watch videos of REM
He laughed, he laughed a lot, laughed with colleagues surprised, he laughed with the that Tina has a fool, he laughed to tears with the Infanta, with MaritoNP that not even remember that sound has Seavessi laughing.
He laughed for no reason and with any excuse.
Seavessi for the first time in a long time, you feel your lungs full of clean air, and believes that the best thing is to make them laugh.
And he wanted to share this moment with blogamiche, and rediscovered friends via blog, who do not know but have held her hand through the night very, very long.