Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wwe Birthday Invitation Wording

Week exhaust before the "before" What a wonderful day of vacation

Sunday finally kicks off the 2011 season that revolves around what I rigurda Ironman in Klagenfurt and the other 70.3.

year for an "experiment" of Florence are affiliated Triathlon Elite .... !!!!!?!!?!?!

For me very little change, I train as usual and do the best at every race, but certainly preparing a 'IM status in March for the duathlon is not really the top!

Well ... to all as always!
50 hours' running slow, now a small combined 20 km bike + 3 km run to spin the legs a bit with a 2000 starting at 3'25 "also to test the new shoes and the bike in" race trim ".

Everything seems ok, I miss just just those 20 "/ km to be competitive on a sprint duathlon .... :-)))

only question the weather .... which does not seem unknown, it will be ugly!! Hopefully not, the descent into the bike path from the video seems very tricky and I am the last duathlon last year I remember it well .... I slipped in the wet curve doing a bang!

snow day tomorrow .... you go to ski!


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