belongs to the order Anseriformes Family Anatidae, waterfowl known as ducks. E 'included in the group of "dabbling ducks, which per nutrirsi immergono solo la testa. Il suo nome scientifico è Anas clypeata. Il nome italiano si riferisce alla caratteristica forma del suo becco, molto grande e a spatola. Tra le anatre, ha dimensioni corporee intermedie (44-52 cm). Il maschio si distingue anche per il capo verde a riflessi metallici, il corpo bianco e nero con una fascia castana sui fianchi e sul ventre; la femmina, marroncina come nelle altre specie, si identifica facilmente per la forma del becco analoga a quella del maschio. In volo (elegante, veloce e ricco di evoluzioni) è particolarmente evidente la parte anteriore dell’ala di colore blu chiaro. Forma piccoli stormi all’interno dei quali c’è grande sincronia di movimento tra gli individui. Contrariamente to related species such as mallard, shoveler generally rests in water and rarely goes out on the mainland, where he walks awkwardly.

prefers shallow fresh and brackish waters, rich in vegetation, which builds the nest in migration can also stand in the open sea. Keep your chest in water for much of the beak and plunged downwards. E 'can make medium-depth dives, during which sifts the bottom with its beak in search of a wide variety of foods, from plankton to small molluscs, feeds generally in groups.

The area is continuous only European in the East, Denmark and Great Britain in the Mediterranean areas is very fragmented. In Italy is regularly nesting in the coastal wetlands of the northern Adriatic. In Lombardy is only one known case of some nesting in Lomellina; is primarily a migratory bird, with a pitch fall more regular and less numerous than in spring. Wintering in wetlands of the plains. 15000-20000 individuals wintering in Italy, the Po Valley and the hinterland foothills of the Alps are sparsely attended.

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