When the temperature drops to 50 degrees below zero, the wind blowing at 300 kilometers per hour, the sun shines at midnight darkness lasts for months, man needs all its strength and even the last ounce of will to survive. It is not always enough. From the time of the pioneers, armed only with an unwavering determination, to the modern missions, taking advantage of the latest technology, Roald Amundsen, William Parry, Alistair Scott, Umberto Nobile and many other legendary explorers recount their amazing adventures to explore continents still pure and wild: daring expeditions to the ends of the earth, where nature and man that his law can not help but accept the challenge. In an anthology exciting and thrilling, forty stories of heroism, hardship, successes and failures, often paid with their lives but always faced with extraordinary courage and respect to the majestic and untamed forces of nature.
Roald Amundsen, Umberto Nobile • • • Ernest Shackleton William Edward Parry • Richard E. Lynne Cox Byrd • • • Ranulph Fiennes David Helvarg • Robert F. • Scott Edward "Bear" Grylls and many others tell their stories of heroism and adventure at the extreme ends of the earth.
. TITLE: At World's End. The great polar adventure.
AUTHOR: Jon E. Lewis
EDITOR: Newton Compton
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