Mezzola The lake is a haven bird sanctuary and is easy to notice, especially at the beginning of the cold season, the first yellow of the vegetation after the dark green of summer, when the lake soul of new admissions and its surface is dotted with birds of passage en route to their autumn migration. After a long and tiring flight over the Alps flocks of birds, aquatic species, from da paesi scandinavi, trovano in questo bacino un luogo di sosta ideale, prima di proseguire verso sud alla volta dell’Africa.
Ci sono poi le varietà avicole facilmente osservabili dal nostro kayak: dallo svasso maggiore al tuffetto, dalle folaghe, al gran numero di anatidi come morette, moriglioni, germani reali , orchetti marini, strolaghe che si alimentano sui bassi fondali del lago.

Il contatto più diretto con il mondo alato è legato però al Cigno reale, che qui nidifica ormai da un paio di decenni. Osservarlo è facile: durante il periodo degli amori questi large birds, kicking slow and elegant in their attitude of parade, mark territory and defend it from intruders with vigorous attacks brought to the neck and beak. Thus, one of the most exciting feelings for those around the lake, you hear the flight of the swan: he feels the takeoff the dull thud of the legs and wings on the water, which turns into a surprisingly musical sound when you reach the flight altitude.

During the passage of migration is also intense activity with large birds of prey circling spirals, taking advantage of the updrafts, in search of prey in flight, or directly ground.

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