40'.... Ski
Today its race-massage .... 40 'peaceful quiet, full exhaust system with 5 final stretch ....
are ready ??!?! we'll see! From the fear
Starting List .... HERE
Meanwhile, the weather .... and make foul weather is very bad news!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How To Safe From Shufuni
Yesterday, today 5 x 1000 ....
After the beautiful day yesterday in the snow Abetone immersed in bright sunshine with Claudia, now I go back to finish the race on Sunday with 5 x 1000 .... rec. 1'45 ".
Rather" packed "the first then gradually more ....
3'23 "
3'18 "
Bah ... feeling not just from "sprint ".... but now we see and do the best you can before this season.
After the beautiful day yesterday in the snow Abetone immersed in bright sunshine with Claudia, now I go back to finish the race on Sunday with 5 x 1000 .... rec. 1'45 ".
Rather" packed "the first then gradually more ....
3'23 "
3'18 "
Bah ... feeling not just from "sprint ".... but now we see and do the best you can before this season.
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Remember, love's Stronger, remember, love walks tall.
will spring.
This mammablog and Seavessi mainly speaks of the Infanta, sometimes of itself, very little of what is around. It is no coincidence.
The last 18 months have been heavy and Seavessi MaritoNP. At one point, woke in the morning, sgrunteggiavano each other and try to avoid as much as possible.
course I felt at times to take up the situation, but it was like talking to the deaf, each hidden behind the faults of others.
The problem is that Seavessi MaritoNP and have ways of fighting completely different and incompatible.
Seavessi picks a fight, MaritoNP wriggling. Seavessi raises his voice, MaritoNP goes into another room, screaming Seavessi, MaritoNP looks annoyed.
At the end of the tour is successful Seavessi came into power-saving mode, excluded all non-essential functions to mere survival, and it imploded like a tree that sheds its leaves and hopes that winter is not too long and cold.
Seavessi goes out, and left only on the LED (which is also antiecologico).
The blog is born at that moment, and was led Seavessi, the party had to stay on and alive. But because that remained was to be absolutely secret and private.
Seavessi was hidden in the blog.
Then at some point in late January, something happened. Seavessi but did not really know what it was.
Seavessi MaritoNp and discussed, and shouted in a low voice (having screaming in a low voice is one of the most terrible of parenthood). And at some point in Seavessi it is out of a sentence, not heavy, not strong, and MaritoNP was silenced.
E 'bleached.
He opened his blue eyes so similar to those of the Infanta.
said _ti you feel it? NOW I get it.
magical, almost at any moment, the world has begun to turn and to make sense.
Seavessi It took more than a month to be believed.
But this week, Seavessi became aware that they are the leaves grow back.
He started to read with taste and that almost physical pleasure that give good books
He started to watch videos of REM
He laughed, he laughed a lot, laughed with colleagues surprised, he laughed with the that Tina has a fool, he laughed to tears with the Infanta, with MaritoNP that not even remember that sound has Seavessi laughing.
He laughed for no reason and with any excuse.
Seavessi for the first time in a long time, you feel your lungs full of clean air, and believes that the best thing is to make them laugh.
And he wanted to share this moment with blogamiche, and rediscovered friends via blog, who do not know but have held her hand through the night very, very long.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Shark Evoline With Bluetooth
The indigenous peoples of the Far North are still very attached to their customs and their habits. For a long time have lived isolated from each other, because of the geographical distances that separated them. Today, however, with modern means of communication - the telephone and internet - the circumpolar nations have established ties, you know better and are organized to preserve and disseminate their culture.
Although of different nationalities (American, Russia, Canada, Scandinavia, Greenland), decided to unite their efforts to save their territories threatened by warming climatico. Purtroppo non sempre riescono a farsi ascoltare, perché sono in minoranza. Tuttavia i loro rappresentanti cercano di perorare la loro causa presso le alte istanze politiche che dirigono il mondo, come ad esempio l’ONU. Queste popolazioni sanno di essere le prime a subire le conseguenze del cambiamento climatico e della globalizzazione, che per il momento minaccia solo i paesi del Grande Nord, ma ben presto interesserà l’intero pianeta. Speriamo che nei sogni di un piccolo bambino della Groenlandia ci sia ancora quello di cacciare le foche in kayak, proprio come facevano gli Inuit. Sempre che il futuro glielo permetta…
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Danger is my middle name
Potrebbe sembrare, ai più, che Seavessi faccia una vita all’insegna della bonaccia, in cui il pericolo più pressante è costituito dalla presenza di talpe in giardino.
Ma Seavessi è una mamma, e come tutte le mamme (sì moms-to-be, pure voi) sanno, questo significa che è una specie di rambo pronta a tutto, soprattutto a prevedere l’imprevedibile.
Seavessi, fresh cesarean faced without blinking (it must be said) Body poussoir with the fearsome, almost IMBoss to open and close, and most importantly-containing the Infanta and her screaming Pannolo BombaH.
Seavessi fearlessly faced the dressing of the umbilical cord, while repeating _ NonnaG shocked but eh come, non viene la puericultrice dell’ospedale a cambiarla? No NonnaG, la puericultrice dell’ospedale è una figura mitologica di cui si è persa traccia a fine anni ’70. Noi mamme di oggi con una mano ci smazziamo la medicazione e con l’altra prepariamo le lasagne al pesto.
Seavessi è passata attraverso le forche caudine della Sesta Malattia, in cui gli Infanti così da un momento all’altro prendono fuoco e rimangono in fiamme per tre giorni, e solo alla fine quando sfiammano compaiono i puntini benedetti e si tira un sospiro di sollievo, oooh beh, era solo la Sixth.
Seavessi faced with drawn sword the fierce Entering the Nest, which has unsheathed his legendary weapons ohmacosìpiccola and poverabimbachissàcomecisoffre .
Seavessi has gone through the Scylla and Charybdis of return to work, and nothing is worth the terrible macometiservonoaltripermessi , Seavessi head high and heart beyond the obstacle is passed over .
Seavessi has survived, indeed with some ailment, even the dreaded Christmas play.
But none of this had prepared Seavessi to what happened yesterday afternoon.
Seavessi-porch, afternoon, outdoor day.
Seavessi bucolic scenes of Infanta and that drying clothes in the sun. Seavessi you can enjoy the warmth and the smell drugs softener, and lose sight of the Infanta for a millisecond.
He turns and sees the Infanta, looking possessed, running toward her from behind the corner the house.
instantly think of the robbers thieves to kidnap children to the meteorite to the Maya Ufi and Jacob, and lose those 10 years of life, so much.
Seavessi ( realizing that they are completely alone, the Infanta is not visibly injured, there are no meteorites in sight and the sky is clear of hostile aliens ) _Infanta but porcapuffetta , what What? You made me scared!!
Infanta ( air by James Bond ) _But no mother, no tomb paiùla. Glide send it via the ELP sharks, so do not give you fattìdio.
Seavessi wants it to Velma.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Wwe Birthday Invitation Wording
Week exhaust before the "before" What a wonderful day of vacation
Sunday finally kicks off the 2011 season that revolves around what I rigurda Ironman in Klagenfurt and the other 70.3.
year for an "experiment" of Florence are affiliated Triathlon Elite .... !!!!!?!!?!?!
For me very little change, I train as usual and do the best at every race, but certainly preparing a 'IM status in March for the duathlon is not really the top!
Well ... to all as always!
50 hours' running slow, now a small combined 20 km bike + 3 km run to spin the legs a bit with a 2000 starting at 3'25 "also to test the new shoes and the bike in" race trim ".
Everything seems ok, I miss just just those 20 "/ km to be competitive on a sprint duathlon .... :-)))
only question the weather .... which does not seem unknown, it will be ugly!! Hopefully not, the descent into the bike path from the video seems very tricky and I am the last duathlon last year I remember it well .... I slipped in the wet curve doing a bang!
snow day tomorrow .... you go to ski!
Sunday finally kicks off the 2011 season that revolves around what I rigurda Ironman in Klagenfurt and the other 70.3.
year for an "experiment" of Florence are affiliated Triathlon Elite .... !!!!!?!!?!?!
For me very little change, I train as usual and do the best at every race, but certainly preparing a 'IM status in March for the duathlon is not really the top!
Well ... to all as always!
50 hours' running slow, now a small combined 20 km bike + 3 km run to spin the legs a bit with a 2000 starting at 3'25 "also to test the new shoes and the bike in" race trim ".
Everything seems ok, I miss just just those 20 "/ km to be competitive on a sprint duathlon .... :-)))
only question the weather .... which does not seem unknown, it will be ugly!! Hopefully not, the descent into the bike path from the video seems very tricky and I am the last duathlon last year I remember it well .... I slipped in the wet curve doing a bang!
snow day tomorrow .... you go to ski!
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mon amour
hath been understood that Seavessi likes lists? What are wallowing in the middle like a frog in a ditch? That in fact Seavessi house is full of post-it listing the most disparate things?
So how could not accede to the invitation of Seavessi mammadesign ?
"Top 10 reasons why I'm happy to be a woman"
- For colored enamel on the nails of the feet, in summer, and for sandals.
- For bringing mia figlia dentro di me
- Per i gesti, le carezze a mia figlia, cucinare la cena, attaccare un bottone, che mi fanno sentire simile e sorella di milioni di donne prima di me.
- Perchè ogni donna è unica e irripetibile
- Perchè sono donna, moglie, madre, lavoratrice, blogger, casalinga, cuoca, educatrice e nonostante questo alla fine della giornata sono sempre IO.
- Per le amiche con cui ridi anche quando vorresti piangere
- Per la responsabilità e la possibilità di crescere una donna migliore di me
- Per il misterioso senso pratico che ci fa risolvere the unsolvable
- For the earrings and sparkling blue umbrellas
- for the ability to do many things together and get scraps of time and smiles which seemed not there be at all.
"10 reasons why I hate being a woman"
- In the face of my head when I ask for a day off
- Why am good career but I will never
- For the effort to escape labels, roles, who only sees his wife, mother, lover, and never see ME
- Perché non so portare i tacchi
- Perché una fa, disfa, si sbatte, si laurea, lavora, e poi alla fine legge sui giornali delle escort da 10000 euro a notte
- Perché non è vero che lo fanno tutte
- Perché non è vero che siamo o Sante o Escort e in mezzo non c’è niente
- Perché quello che cercherò di insegnare a mia figlia forse non la aiuterà.
- Per il ciclo durante quell’unica settimana al mare
- ...boh. a me essere donna piace immensamente!
Grazie mammadesign the excellent program!
a small note of service, which regards the list of yesterday inspired / by Roberto Saviano: The Tina opened a discussion on the page Robertonostro fb, where he posted his list. Now even my place, it would be nice I have a discussion with all the lists of bloggers! Gallina what do you think?
Monday, March 7, 2011
Bedwetting Adults Drinking
lists 10 things that make life worth living
blogamiche So let's talk.
What? Crazy empathy among bloggers, of connections, in conjunction of Jupiter with Venus across, Jacob and prophecies of the Mayans, but please do something, let's talk before Seavessi finally start talking to you.
Better to explode the first true concept for someone to call the neuro, right?
So Seavessi unlike the weather the day before WE did not have a plain and relaxed, but two days fullest beautiful and devastating.
So yesterday evening around 20.00, the Infanta stored in the bed, and prepared dinner for MaritoNP finally came back from work, collapsed on the sofa in the living room loosen wife in the kitchen, in spite of spend some 'time for dinner together at least . Seavessi simply wanted to implode the way and tried to teleport to the bed without having to get up.
Seavessi If that turns on the TV and lights because instead of the usual huge Barbara Gulienetti trying to convince her to blast the belief of the great-grandmother, and Fazio appear Saviano .
Seavessi zompetta off the couch and crashed into the kitchen door with MaritoNP, which also call for zompettava Seavessi (editor's note, but then I married well to something! ).
The two squander the surgery and expect to buy the book the next day.
The next day Seavessi plagued poor La Tina mail explaining how you should buy the book Seavessi same Saviano, for read the fantastic things and especially the sense that he writes, because alas, to see the hormones do the wave and begin to dance the YMCA.
Le due se la contano, un po’ ridanciane e un po’ serie, e Seavessi è già contenta di aver trovato qualcuno con cui condividere il suo Saviano-entusiasmo.
Fatto questo, Seavessi trova nel blog un invito di kriegio (tènchiù sister).
Seavessi è felice e non si sente più sola nel suo mondo!
Quindi grazie, grazie infinite kriegio per aver pensato a me, Seavessi è felicissima e entusiasta e va di elenco:
- The days when there is freezing fog but the sun seems to be inside a cloud of light
- Hold hands with my daughter who falls asleep
- Pulici and the Bull of Paul ' 76
- Go for chestnuts with my father
- The sea, the sea, the sea
- The strawberry ice
- Calvin & Hobbes, Dylan Dog, BC, Mago Wiz.
- Watching my sister and laughing without having to say anything
- The mail of friends
- The face of my husband does not notice when I watch it
It runs the invitation to 10 friends (actually turns it to anyone who steps here, but we are the rules ...)
Finally, Nina , Rock, Latin , Micaela , Sfolly , Pink , ontheroad , Countess , Mammazeroventi , Liz , Bussola , it's up to you (spero di non avere incasinato i link...)
(non sono 10? No? Sicure? Ma se le ho contate sui diti!)
E poi ovviamente Seavessi ha fatto il pensiero balengo della giornata: ma non sarebbe bellissimo farglieli avere, a Robbè, tutti i nostri elenchi? Non lo troviamo il modo? Che dite?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Zoster Sine Herpete Symptoms
The lake opens a narrow course, widening the Bellagio in its two branches: the eastern shore is dotted with small towns of rare beauty where tourism, history, art and nature are in harmony, protected by a mild climate lake. It is a good example Varenna, home to beautiful villas lying on the water, as if to soften the harshness of the natural landscape: the eastern branch appears as a rapid unwinding in fact narrow canyon between steep mountains, the foothills of the San Primo (1686 m) and the Horns of Canzo (1373 m) on the one hand and those of Legnone (2609 m above sea level) of Grignone (2410 m) and Grignetta (2184 m) other: limestone peaks of the latter, a spire and pinnacles, the most famous and popular in Lombardy.
Sweeter than the western branch has always been a goal of "elite tourism," which began during the "belle époque" the discovery of these places and that, thanks to the presence of guests distinguished, made famous in the world places as Menaggio, Bellagio, Tremezzo and Cadenabbia, where you can admire the beautiful villas with gardens, some with small museums rich in precious works of art. The impressive neo-classical villas of Como, Cernobbio, Moltrasio, Blevio, Bellagio, Tremezzo, to name a few, have hosted the most famous people in music, literature and Milan and European nobility, now replaced by modern celebrities of film and fashion a testimony of the eternal fascination with the landscapes that tower up.
A Cuantos Frames Tiene El Mount & Blade
bike .... finally!
Giornata primaverile...e finalmete 4h di bici in compagnia dei miei compagni di squadra.
Giro finalmente movimentato quanto basta per essere a Marzo e con +1450 mt di dislivello in 120 km scarsi.
Partenza da Impruneta, poi Firenze e ancora su verso Impruneta, poi strada in Chianti, Passo dei Pecorai, su a San Casciano dalla Leccia e variazione del percorso decisa all'ultimo momento verso il Testa Lepre e Panzano.... bellissimo!
Dopo mesi ho superato i 100 km.... e pensavo di stare peggio sinceramente, alla fine ero si stanco, ma sinceramente ho avuto delle buone sensazioni.
Excellent training and thanks to all for the company ....
118 km, 4h 10 ', +1450 mt.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Men Get Kidney Stones More Than Women
The Eskimo Italian Championship 2011 will take place Saturday and Sunday 12 and 13 March 2011 at the Pool of Pontedecimo - Swimming ASD Brotherhood - Via Coni Zugna 2 - Genoa - www.fpxnuoto.it
program of the event:
Saturday at 14: presentation event and registration.
Saturday at 15: start of performances and practice sessions in the pool with the new models offered by sponsors, exhibitors and amateur builders.
Saturday at 18.30: Presentation of the project ItaliAmmassalik.
Saturday night: Community dinner and overnight at the gym (or other accommodation to choose from).
Sunday at 9-13: continuation of the final performances and awards participants with special prizes out of class.
Saturday at 14: presentation event and registration.
Saturday at 15: start of performances and practice sessions in the pool with the new models offered by sponsors, exhibitors and amateur builders.
Saturday at 18.30: Presentation of the project ItaliAmmassalik.
Saturday night: Community dinner and overnight at the gym (or other accommodation to choose from).
Sunday at 9-13: continuation of the final performances and awards participants with special prizes out of class.
During the event presented a project of international cooperation ItaliAmmassalik with the screening of a documentary and the exposure of a photographic exhibition on Inuit reality, as told by the project coordinator, Ottorino Tosti glaciospeleologo the Genoese, with the material produced during the expedition to Greenland in 2010.
In the second edition of the 2011 Championship will be on display the latest models from the most famous and appreciated Italian manufacturers of the Greenland kayak: kayak wooden "skin on frame" will be tested in the water to discover the historic features of a boat unique.
For further information, clarifications, explanations or anything else, you can write an email to tatiyak@tatianacappucci.it
In the second edition of the 2011 Championship will be on display the latest models from the most famous and appreciated Italian manufacturers of the Greenland kayak: kayak wooden "skin on frame" will be tested in the water to discover the historic features of a boat unique.
For further information, clarifications, explanations or anything else, you can write an email to tatiyak@tatianacappucci.it
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A time for dancing
Today for the first time since ... boh, three weeks? Seavessi not
- colleagues who follow her and threatened with weapon type cosedafareentroieri , mailrispomdimisubito and dovesonofinitiimieiordini .
- Cape wandering restlessly like a vulture on the caravan that crosses the Valley of Death.
- working to solve mysteries of nature and now who the heck is this index with the name of 19 letters that I wrote asking for light on things that do not know of its existence.
Seavessi has finished building the last table fundamental and urgent, has reason to believe that it will be read by anyone, so he sent, and abandoned without regret its sad fate.
Seavessi wrote the last e-mail for clarification on the processes that people will continue to blithely ignore much will change in a fortnight, but did Seavessi tanaliberotutti, I mail I sent you and if not the laws are your problems.
Ed è uscito il sole.
E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.
Che sensazione fantastica.
Stasera Seavessi sacrifica una palletta Lush e si dimentica di se stessa nella vasca da bagno, per uscirne solo un attimo prima che MaritoNP chiami Chi l’ha Visto.
In tutto ciò, Infanta yesterday went to his first children's ball, organized by the village for the Heirs of kindergarten and elementary.
We went dressed as barbiprincipessadiqualcosaforseidiamanti.
And 'round and happy devastated by dissolving a bit' oh God Magone the mother of crap is that I can not even take you to your first children's ball casserole dish that was too expensive to do on Saturday? What is Seavessi pulled back by the day.
He asked to go to bed at a quarter past eight, and while you sleep taking the Seavessi-hand, has a dreamy voice dett.o
_mamma today I went to the prom
_lo know my love, it was good? Did you like?
_sì mother ...
_ho danced with my Luca.
Seavessi his future son loves this.
Late Period Bloody Mucus Bloody Cervical Mucus?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Should I Buy Siri 2009
55 km bike .... wet!
afternoon in the company of Nesti, teammate out "risky" in bike ...
risky because he had just stopped raining, but the sky did not promise good!
And in fact ... to 15-16 km, before Montelupo, here it starts to rain.
It will not stop until home.
Giro da Montelupo, Cerbaia, Montagnana, Cerbaia, Chiesanuova and Florence .... 55 km, however, made ... 1h45 'training for today so it was more difficult.
afternoon in the company of Nesti, teammate out "risky" in bike ...
risky because he had just stopped raining, but the sky did not promise good!
And in fact ... to 15-16 km, before Montelupo, here it starts to rain.
It will not stop until home.
Giro da Montelupo, Cerbaia, Montagnana, Cerbaia, Chiesanuova and Florence .... 55 km, however, made ... 1h45 'training for today so it was more difficult.
Fantasy Baseball Plus Bobblehead
Seavessi comes to us ...
late but comes to us ...
which comes at a time when many things in life are a Seavessi- big mess, and it seems but a blog award warms the heart. Thanks pink, parts of the heart!
However, the question to move to 3-5 blogamiche award, and as is always difficult to choose, so let's see:
Mammazeroventi to have isolated the gene Candycandy, because of so many messes mammeschi
Lucyette , one of the most interesting blogs that I have ever read
And finally, last but not least, a neo-blog that I think will give us many, many rewards.
Ladies and gentleman, I am Extremely proud to introduce you
that sooner or follow me and Dabo (and yes Dabo , award well to you, Ciapa there) in the tunnels of Hell's Kitchen
Seavessi would also send a very big heart stuffed full of lace-and-luccichini with a TVTTTTTB so big Finally, co-mom Poor Mothers because it is a special person and the new look of the blog is beautiful and I would like to know how the heck did you guess that I LOVE Mafalda.
ah also:
GI is my girlfriend :-)
ah also:
GI is my girlfriend :-)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How Does Cervical Mucus Look Before Ovulation
Combined race-swim .... Seasonal Calendar
Yesterday afternoon 10 km run in 40 'from the pool .... costume away and then in water: 500
heating. Technical + 600 + 150 + 2 x 8 x 100 in 1'30 "/ 2 ".... 50 Defat. and so on .... Today, weather permitting
bike .... but should it rain .... See you later!
Yesterday afternoon 10 km run in 40 'from the pool .... costume away and then in water: 500
heating. Technical + 600 + 150 + 2 x 8 x 100 in 1'30 "/ 2 ".... 50 Defat. and so on .... Today, weather permitting
bike .... but should it rain .... See you later!
Naturism Famili Movie
- Knowing how to swim in moving water
- Do not paddle after large meals
- Do not surf alone!
- Stay to the coast
- Always wear a life jacket and flap
- Understand the technical support, self-rescue and rescue assisted
- Have equipment and suitable clothing
- Always carry safety equipment and know how to use
- Know the signs of communication
- Learn the techniques of resuscitation and first aid
- Gather information on the route before excursion
- Do not ride on a precarious physical condition
- Make a break during the voyage, if you are too tired
not comply with safety rules is a great danger for themselves and for the shipping company.
- Knowing how to swim in moving water
- Do not paddle after large meals
- Do not surf alone!
- Stay to the coast
- Always wear a life jacket and flap
- Understand the technical support, self-rescue and rescue assisted
- Have equipment and suitable clothing
- Always carry safety equipment and know how to use
- Know the signs of communication
- Learn the techniques of resuscitation and first aid
- Gather information on the route before excursion
- Do not ride on a precarious physical condition
- Make a break during the voyage, if you are too tired
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The Right to Be Evil
Seavessi, a little 'battered and depressed because of close quarter fighting is alive and with you, and despite having just discovered a species of -nothing that has remained faithful to only talk about his puppy (which only came to write the puppy on the nose buboes), decided to brighten your day with a beautiful right of mothers, which, among other things, it has been suggested but does not recall by whom (prompter? If you knock once more link!).
Today let's talk about
Right to Be Evil
Everyone has the right to be sick every so often, the influence of nest headaches sciatica pharyngitis housemaid's knee.
But the mothers, it seems, a little 'less than others. From the very beginning.
Seavessi, which normally also enjoys a considerable ataraxia - which form from patient to appear more sympathetic, nevertheless begins to emit smoke from his ears in front of certain expressions.
_ One of them is pregnant it's not a disease!
Apart from that usually put a man, usually a colleague that the last time she had fever of 36.9 was home a week to issue on the couch and moans sfrantumare bales to his wife, leaving the pile of work on the desk to grow undisturbed before falling metaphorically on the rest of the office.
Now, pregnancy is a physiological state and the rava and stone. Ok.
But it is a physiological state in which some fortunate as flowers bloom and glow of ivory skin, hair in a way self-made-in-crease and look radiant.
Some . The other spent the first month as green ferns for nausea, luckily passes and remain the only back pain, swollen ankles, his hair stringy, heartburn and mood swinging between Ienaincazzata Pup-pup and, within 6 minutes.
Please spend a minute in silence and imagine a man in the same conditions. Need I say more?
Then the baby is born, and in front of the wonder of childbirth and of mica breastfeeding want to complain that the mother of those 32 points that can sit just inside the donut, or fissure or scar of caesarean?
Sussù, softened, le mamme perbene non si lamentano di queste cose. Parto e allattamento sono come li descrivono le mai abbastanza vituperate riviste Faiunfigliotechepoilofaccioanchio, momenti magici in cui il peggio che vi può capitare è avere una camicia da notte non intonata col pigiamino del pargolo.
Poi il pupo a Dio piacendo cresce.
E la mamma riacquista il diritto ad avere ogni tanto l’influenza? Ma giammai.
Se lavora non può assentarsi perchè _ eeeeh ma sei già stata a casa tanto (sottinteso a riposarti e cazzeggiare that even in a SPA) when your child has had those 15 days in a row of intestinal flu ... STILL want to stay at home??
If you do not work still needs to shop tidy house call to the mother-in-law prepare dinner, take the small nest to take a swimming costume to sew the damn children's ball, which already _ you're always at home (implying that even at rest and fuck in a spa) now as well with the excuse that you're sick on the couch all day?
Here girls Seavessi for once it is convinced that it is our fault. Just do what I do not kill me _ anything, what _ what you want to be just a bit 'and you have a fever 39 and 9 and see who sing ABBA's Fernando in the living room.
We are human beings. Sometimes we have to a pit stop. If not for the first do not take it, how can we think that for others to tell us _No look, go home and lie down because you're a rag? Other rightly believe that we are able to regulate itself.
E 'right now that we learn to do it.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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A draft calendar with appuntameni set .... I doubt that there are races to be able to fare, purtroppo una di queste viene organizzata dalla mia squadra, Firenze Triathlon, proprio la domenica dopo Klagenfurt.... sara' dura!!
13/03 Arcugnano
26/03 Marina di Pisa
27/03 Marina di Pisa a Squadre
03/04 San Maurizio d'Opaglio
17/04 Travo
01/05 70.3 Barberino di Mugello *
08/05 Trevignano Romano sprint
22/05 70.3 St. Polten
05/06 Laghetto dell'EUR, Roma Sprint
03/07 IronMan Klagenfurt
10/07 Barberino di Mugello Olimpico
24/07 70.3 Lago del Salto *
04/09 70.3 Castiglione della Pescaia *
11/09 Finale Triathlon Sprint Tuoro sul Trasimeno
* IronItaly
Can I Use Regular Felt For My Pool Table
bike out today with a crazy wind up Florence .... maximum gust 58 km / hour!! Constant wind on 30/40 km / h. ... I had the "Kitebike" as pictured above would be blown away!
Apart from anything else ... within 62 km in just over 2 hours with a round to Montelupo downwind with average speed of the first 25 km of well 37.8 km / h as shown below peaks above 50 km / h. ... spectacular!
But then, just turn the direction to go towards Cerbaia .... Greetings!
hard to touch the 30 km / h. .. in some places I went for the 20-22 hour zigzagging strong wind in your face, then come to Cerbaia, better .... but as per la prima salita verso Montagnana, poi giu nuovamente e su a Chiesanuova con vento contro... una goduria!
Poi Scandicci e su a Mosciano.... un pò di salita mi serve adesso!!
E così una sessantina di km sono fatti... non potevo correre anche oggi, mi manca la bike!!!
bike out today with a crazy wind up Florence .... maximum gust 58 km / hour!! Constant wind on 30/40 km / h. ... I had the "Kitebike" as pictured above would be blown away!
Apart from anything else ... within 62 km in just over 2 hours with a round to Montelupo downwind with average speed of the first 25 km of well 37.8 km / h as shown below peaks above 50 km / h. ... spectacular!
But then, just turn the direction to go towards Cerbaia .... Greetings!
hard to touch the 30 km / h. .. in some places I went for the 20-22 hour zigzagging strong wind in your face, then come to Cerbaia, better .... but as per la prima salita verso Montagnana, poi giu nuovamente e su a Chiesanuova con vento contro... una goduria!
Poi Scandicci e su a Mosciano.... un pò di salita mi serve adesso!!
E così una sessantina di km sono fatti... non potevo correre anche oggi, mi manca la bike!!!
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