A Complete Guide necessary to enter the complex world of meteorology and climate understanding the phenomena and mechanisms, from the clouds to the wind, the lightning to the rainbow, from the "ozone hole" greenhouse effect. 57 cards dedicated to climate phenomena one by one. Climate change. The adaptations to climate. How to predict the weather for the day. Is not a technical text, but provides good bases. It traces the history of meteorology and seeks to describe the various events associated with it. Many of the topics covered: the explanation of the seasonal forecasts, to build a home weather station. There are also many curious news that will leave you speechless! A truly comprehensive text that I recommend especially for beginners. In my opinione questo libro dovrebbe essere utilizzato nelle scuole per la sua chiarezza e per l'interesse che può suscitare.
. TITOLO: Metereologia
AUTORE: W. J. Burroughs, B. Crowder, T. Robertson, E. Vallier, R Whitaker
CURATORE: Mercalli Luca
EDITORE: De Agostini - collana I libri della natura
288 pagine.
Foto di Marco "Eko" Ferrario: "L'arrivo delle nubi da neve sopra il lago di Garlate".
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