Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Peavey Windsor Half Stack For Sale

Summa cum laude

The Seavessi-house for a few months is afflicted by a slimy and disturbing presence: The Velma.

The Velma poltapizàma lives in and eats secretly pandittelle, even if it suspects wrongdoing Seavessi MaritoNP strongly.

to no avail Seavessi attempts to undermine the enemy's resources, eliminating the poltapizàma and buying the mill: while the private primary resources Velma is alive and fight with us. All you got was Seavessi pizàmi around and protests the arbitrary exchange-biscuits.

Seavessi had almost resigned to the slimy roommate, inspired by the thought of _eh goes well, at least we got rid of the sister in the closet that was very disturbing and so did The Ring.

Until last night, during the bath-time, the Infanta said that the sister would come in Latvian, Velma annoyed because she in the closet.

Now, it's good that the intimacy of a couple-with-child is a rather relative concept. But Seavessi has seen far too many horror films to fit the idea of \u200b\u200bwelcoming a sister also in Latvian Never Born What lives in the closet.

Seavessi went a bit 'in a panic.
Unexpectedly, MaritoNP, the only family that had managed to escape the fascination of the imaginary friends of the child, came to the rescue of his fancy women too.
Seavessi house, bathroom, internal night.
Seavessi _ahimè and Infanta, alas, what shall we do? As we rid ourselves of Velma? Help, help!!
MaritoNP ( getting up and going to the bedroom ) _No, that's enough.

Soundtrack, please. The theme of Indiana Jones will be fine.

There are noises of struggle nella cameretta. Si capisce che il Velme sta vendendo cara la viscida pelle.

Rumore di passi in corridoio, finestra che si apre e richiude.
GattaAbusiva ( dal giardino, infastidita ) _Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooowwwwwwwww

MaritoNP ( rientrando ) _fatto, Infanta.  L’ho acchiappato e l’ho buttato fuori dalla finestra.

Infanta _ma poi tolna...

Marito NP _no, non torna. GattaAbusiva se l’è mangiato.

Infanta ( sgranando gli occhi )_Davvelo?

MaritoNP( con espressione da Clint  Eastwood ) _certo amore. Il Lurido Velme non ti darà più fastidio

Infanta ( felice ) _oh papà blavo!!! Oh come sei blavo!!!

maritoNP (c on l’espressione di Obama newly elected ) _ eheheh ...

Infanta ( enthusiastic, looking for words ) _papà blavissimo six, six six fol little income ..... You're a BITCH!!


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