Monday, February 7, 2011

Have Had Shin Splints For Months

chairs, eggs and omelettes. Dear teacher

For some mysterious astral conjunction, MaritoNP was kind gift from her employer (employer thanks!) Of a free WE. Both joy and jubilation throughout the kingdom!

Incredulous in front of such an infinite expanse of hours to spend with the family, Saturday morning Seavessi has even had a small crisis of panic animator .

Poi, complice la prima vera bella giornata dell’anno, la giornata si è divisa in due parti + interludio.

Prima parte, o del Peace&love

Preso dal sacro fuoco dell’ammmore coniugale, MaritoNP insiste per caricare le donne in macchina e portarle ad una stramba manifestazione a cui Seavessi bramava di partecipare ma non osava proporre. 
Tanto per darvi un’idea - e qui veramente ci vorrebbe un premio per chi indovina di cosa si tratta- was a matter of going in a certain place, possibly taking with him a chair. Once in place so much, at a predetermined time, these would have to raise the seat (so to speak, to _ Screaming ). The photograph depicting the move people who had miles to go there to be photographed with the chair, was eventually sent to a person such as greetings, encouragement and _siamo all with you.

Seavessi would expand and describe in detail how and why this initiative was for her moving and absolutely beautiful, but is afraid that someone in the end it is decided to call the neuro, and then sopravvolerà.

will tell you only that morning was wonderful, and the Infanta Seavessi saw walking in the sun by tracing the same steps as Seavessi child, the place for Seavessi is the still center of the universe, where all is peace, the same air time whispering and a hug.
MaritoNP photographed happy, smiling and pecking at the Infanta in exchange smiles and caresses by those present.

Oh, if we wanted.

Interlude, o del Fast&Furious

Dopo pranzo la Seavessi-famiglia va all’arrembaggio dell’IKEA, di SABATO POMERIGGIO,  e in meno di un’ora entra ed esce con l’ultimo mobile mancante all’appello, un bellissimo copripiumone per l’Infanta e svariati inutil fantastici attrezzi per la cucina. Praticamente un record, visto che hanno anche preso il caffè col dolcetto verde.

Seconda parte, o del Se vuoi fare una frittata devi rompere le uova.

Increbilmente dopo il blitz all’IKEA era ancora presto, così la Seavessi-famiglia ne ha approfittato per passare a trovare NonnoR e NonnaF, i genitori di MaritoNP, che causa distanza non riescono a frequentare quanto vorrebbero.

Qui l’Infanta, presa da nonnesca esaltazione, a un certo punto ha fatto la faccetta indemoniata che tutte le mamme ben conoscono, e si è messa a prendere a calci i giocattoli. 
Immediato intervento di nazi-Seavessi, che blocca la piccola esagitata, le dice _non ci riprovare mai e mai più, non esiste nel mio orizzonte degli eventi.

Parte immediata scena madre con urla udibili fino alla provincia vicina. Ahimè l’Infanta entra nell’orribile capriccio-spirale, e Seavessi cerca di calmarla tenendola ferma, contando fino a dieci, parlandole con calma, portandola in un’altra stanza tranquilla.

Tutte tecniche che avrebbero avuto qualche speranza di successo, se i Nonni e MaritoNP non avessero inseguito le due al grido di 

_eh ma son bambini 
_eh ma lasciala stare 
_eh but do not have patience
_eh but you cry
_eh but is small

so that instead of the calm ' Infanta has run well Seavessi furious.

Seavessi-house, internal night

MaritoNP _certo today that you could avoid being so severe ... you did cry, then she is an educated girl ...

Seavessi (banshee-ON mode) _MaritoNP, LIKES you, is not it, to have a girl who greeted, thanked, is relatively composed at the table, and generally you LIKE that when the ports around the ggggente I congratulate you, NO?

MaritoNP _eh, of course ...

Seavessi _for makes you sick and you scold her annoys me to do it.

MaritoNP _But six severe ...

Seavessi _sì are severe. I am a loving mother, madly in love with the Infanta, and severe. Mbeh?

MaritoNP _But

Seavessi _But nothing. Do you like fries? To make it you have to break eggs.


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