Monday, February 28, 2011

Bang Bang Bang Bang Have A Nice Dream Lyric

Funny how love is coming home in time for tea

When we first met, and you were my boss, and told me shut up a moment and I was, and not you remember how it feels in that blissful state

When you called me on a Friday night, and said _ Monday I start working in the small town, I can sleep with you? And I have cleared two drawers and my mind, and I thought I'm not ready, we should think and decide and discuss and evaluate to live together, not so , so I'm afraid

When we got married After lunch we went home and my mom made us a photo with the cat in her arms

When we went on honeymoon in Norway, with a suitcase full of sweaters, there was the sun and 28 degrees in the shade

When I screamed in the bathroom before a positive test than ever and I never expected, and you are entered to race with a slipper in her hand because I thought I saw a spider

very strongly wanted when you wanted a girl, and now you've got it, and had underestimated the firepower of your two women crossed

el'Infanta When I argue and you're in the middle, and look at us with eyes dell'aborigeno who seeks refuge from the erupting volcano on one side and by the tsunami 'Another

When you look at the beak Infanta sleep

When you are going as well, only to you around the world

When you know that I cry for a broken plate, but in reality I do not care about a broken plate Cippa

When we turn away, and we get lost, and we try hard again to take us by hand

When I write I love you in a blog you do not know it exists, because a voice I know you do not say that it is not so good to talk about their feelings, even feelings in themselves are a rather inconvenient.

Happy fortieth birthday, MaritoNP, your messed up by half.


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