Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is An Excercise Bike A Good Form Of Excercise

Seavessi is falling down, falling down, falling down. 10,000 BC

You know those jugglers, are typically Chinese, who hold the balance in the dishes by making them run on a set of sticks?

Well, last night in Seavessi son fell down all the dishes, and Seavessi same is crumpled on itself looking for a hole to hide, and meditating to boast of a relationship with Ruby Popular how to enter the Isle of parented.

In no particular order:

Colleghivari _Seavessi, Seavessi! We are in close quarters, within peppiacere prepare me for this thing the other day? In fact within ten days ago would be better! Seavessi Oh, we can not close the deal, hurry, hurry!

Cape _Seavessi feel I received this e-mail where a stranger asks your reason for existence, and also this fantastic scheme A3 printed only on how your time should be divided into a perfect world, of course, are not included 82% of the things you do, but we (trans. MUST) compile it within 6 minutes.

MaritoNP (SMS) _stasera come back later and I think tomorrow, you have to go to buy milk if not tomorrow, the Infanta no breakfast and probably for this reason develop diets that will eat only a charred scallops.

ZiaBella _Oh Seavessi, come with me to the hairdresser? No time? Oh but you have to do something hair sti ... I do not know a color ... it can not be more than this brown-depressed ....

NonnoG & NonnaG _Seavessi looks sorry if you say it, but you have to update quite a bit 'wardrobe ... is not possible that you are always in black or dark ... Put old ... they find other time to go for the clothes I have to find you, too, and by the way, remember you need to bring the car to a mechanic.

Dentists Seavessi _No, I do not think that we can make the plant by April ... ellos you do the photos at the wedding of ZiaDolce without a tooth, but what can I do if you are the ripe old age of 33 years you have made to change the teeth da latte?

Infanta _ genitrice, in effetti io non ho niente di cui lamentarmi, ma sono giorni che mi trascuri, e quindi farò qualunque tipo di capriccio nel pochissimo tempo che possiamo passare insieme, onde tu possa capire che il mio disagio è totalmente e indiscutibilmente e aggiungerei inevitabilmente colpa tua e tu possa sentirti l’orribile mamma che sei.

Ieri sera MaritoNP è arrivato a casa (tardi e senza aver comprato il latte), e ha trovato l’Infanta in camera sua in time-out ( che una volta si chiamava castigo, ndr ) che urlava as a guest Annozero and Seavessi in the kitchen crying all her tears sadly stirring the sauce with tuna.

MaritoNP has recomposed the siituazione consoling the women of the house, but that will not do.

Since this morning and then, until the close of the quarter, Seavessi is survival-mode, slide be decided on anything not working (the rest are a lot of choice), and NonnoG NonnaG are alerted and ready to spring into action by providing food and Infantasitting, MaritoNP will try to get back to decent hours and yes, this is a support request .

Nel frattempo Seavessi si droga con dosi massicce di Queen in cuffia, perché un mondo dove qualcuno ha scritto e cantato Don’t stop me now non può essere un disastro totale, e ascolta i colleghi che chiedono cose immaginando di essere nella casetta in Liguria, in una mattina d’estate, con i piedi scalzi e abbronzati sul pavimento di marmiglia, a prendere un caffè freddo e a sbirciare il mare dalla finestra.



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