Friday, February 4, 2011

Allnighter Wood Stove Chimney

Cara MaestraG,

I regret that few parents have clipped from the newspaper and sent to the coupon rate for asylum in the competition of the crib Small Town.
Mi dispiace sul serio, perché so quanto cuore ci mettiate voi maestre, e so che fate un lavoro bellissimo e complicato e che non vi apprezziamo mai abbastanza.

Ma, MaestraG, forse quel biglietto appiccicato alla porta e scritto col pennarello rosso potevi risparmiarcelo.

Capisco il tuo disappunto, ma potevi magari evitare di scrivere della “grande delusione” dei bambini, aggiungendo i tuoi sarcastici ringraziamenti “ai genitori che non hanno trovato neanche il tempo di buy the paper to highlight the efforts of the children. "

MaestraG, we will also be a band of some parents' unlucky, certainly ill-assorted. But year to date we have given so-called voluntary contributions - and believe me, not for all those twenty euro is nonsense - we brought without batting an eyelid tissues, soap, toilet paper, who could bundles of leaves and colors, not to say bah, glad to help to put a piece of the rubble left by the cyclone Marystar, which captures the intestinal flu.

Abbiamo portato materiale per la Recita, e cucinato per la festa del Dopo Recita, perfino le perplesse mamme cinesi–non-parlanti–italiano.

Non abbiamo fatto una piega di fronte al divieto di fare foto e filmati, e abbiamo comprato foto e dvd dal fotografo ufficiale, sapendo che così avremmo contribuito che so, a finanziare il corso di psicomotricità. Mai sentito nessuno lamentarsi.

Credimi, poteva andare decisamente peggio.

Now MaestraG, we reveal two secrets.

The first is that even the non-teachers often do not see their efforts recognized. And as you are a despised class, if you take a ten initiatives has not happened perhaps there is no need to launch anathemas. These things happen in any job, they say patience and pulls forward. And maybe you think if it was not necessary to point out a couple of times over the history of this coupon, to mothers who run all day and for which the competition of the Nativity is not exactly the first thought in the morning.

The second is that your sarcastic grand parents do not care who did neither hot nor cold, did not care before and do not care now, more than you managed to pull off a _eccheppalle.

Those who have punched in the stomach early in the morning are the parents jugglers, those who seek to take an indefinite number of air balls, but some inevitably escape him, those who it seems that the time and effort are always a blanket too short, those who cursed sti newspaper coupon with them bought when they could and when they remembered.

I understand you, MaestraG, without sarcasm, and I hope you will be vented and feel better.

If the next time I could get out and feel better without making ME feel a wretch who cares about her daughter, I would be grateful.

Your Seavessi.


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