Friday, February 11, 2011

Welcome Letter To New Salon Client


Definitely NOT Friday is the day Seavessi.

Seavessi not know what to do for dinner

Seavessi superurgenti has a billion emails that contain many urgent work to be read

Seavessi no longer believe in the urgent work

Seavessi would like to go out and take a walk in the sun

Seavessi has just learned that on Monday afternoon plenary meeting a nice special guest overpaid consultant who claims that the change that's cool living the precarious

Seavessi not know what to do for dinner

Seavessi this morning on the radio he heard an old Carampane dazed, but WOMEN, argue that the fault of the escort who escort the poor fools who knew nothing that their escort, and for those 10 milliseconds has reviewed the idea of \u200b\u200beugenics.

Seavessi HATES the word escort

Seavessi not know what to do for dinner

Vabbeh, it became clear that he does not know what Seavessi make for dinner?

Seavessi also discovered that the infant has undoubtedly inherited her remarkable excess of imagination and tendency to lateral thinking.

I mean, years ago NonnaG, Seavessi ZiaBella and they went for a walk around a craft market. Before arriving at a banquet where they are exposed to the beautiful ceramic gnomes, run by a lovely lady with the beautiful smile and sweet-looking mother, the kind that would have taken on Seavessi time to raise her children do not yet exist.

NonnaG _oh signora, che belli questi gnomi, li fa lei?

Dolcesignoradall’ariamaterna _sì, le piacciono?

NonnaG _moltissimo.. che bella fantasia che ha...

Dolcesignoradall’ariamaterna _ehm... no in effetti non è fantasia..

NonnaG _?

Dolcesignoradall’ariamaterna ( bisbigliando )_ecco vede signora... io gli gnomi mi sono entrati in casa... me li sono trovati in cucina...

Ora, una persona normale avrebbe pensato qualcosa del tipo

_mah magari la signora ha saltato la riunione degli AA...
_forse è meglio chiamare la neuro
_le telecamere nascoste? Dove sono? Saluto tutti quelli che mi conoscono!

Seavessi e Ziabella si sono guardate, e in coro hanno detto _se mi ritrovo uno gnomo in cucina lo tramortisco di ciabattate.

Seavessi should not be surprised of the syncretism of the Infanta.

Seavessi-house, bedroom, interior evening

Seavessi ( standing on the bed, trying to fix the picture that is on the wall above the headboard ) _ecco Infanta, you tell me if it is right now?

Infanta _No mom ttotto Ancol. Mom but that is SantaMalìa?

Seavessi _sì Infanta, è Maria   la mamma di Gesù

Infanta _quella che diciamo le pleghièle?

Seavessi _sì Infanta brava...  hai capito chi è?

Infanta _ sì ho capito. E’ la Fata Madlìna.

Futuro catechista? Accetti solo cash o posso portarti anche salami, polli, torte fatte in casa?

(post dedicated to Lucyette , probably after this I'll take any kind of friendship)


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