Sunday, February 27, 2011

Abbesses Tooth In Dog Cause Swelling


In November of 1946, less than two years after the Second World War, a mysterious creature appears on the Lake Como: the Lariosauro. The newspapers of the take over of the story for several days that attracts public attention before slipping into oblivion from which it emerges through the pages of this story. In "The Lariosauro" tells the epic struggle PanĂ n, partisan and Cantoni cotton mill worker at Bellano, the monster, a huge fish, a prehistoric animal survived in the depths of the lake or the reincarnation of someone or something missing on the shores of Lake Como in April 1945?

Giovanni Galli was born in Milan in 1939 from a family of Como, whose origins date back to another John, shoemaker Dongo in the early nineteenth century. He lived for many years in Como, with frequent trips to Bella where the great-grandfather Benjamin was a popular bakery. Since he retired he divided his time between Milan, Magreglio and excursions in the regions that are more expensive: Corsica, Valle d'Aosta - exactly - the lake. And 'member of the Lombardo Mountain Guides as mountain guides and academic member of the Italian Group Mountain Writers.
TITLE: Lariosauro. History of mysterious creature emerged from the depths of the lake in 1946
AUTHOR: Giovanni Galli
Editions 176 pages, EUR 14.00


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