Monday, February 14, 2011

Colonoscopy Prep Colyte

De Amicitia

Seavessi ha sempre avuto problemi con l’amicizia; ovviamente la colpa è della società e degli amici di Seavessi, che non apprezzano come dovrebbero cotanto privilegio.

O magari è anche perché Seavessi è una pessima amica, si scorda le cose, è affettivamente rigida, vuol bene ma non lo sa dimostrare.

Sia come sia, uno dei grossi problemi di Seavessi con l’amicizia è il non saper dire di no. Adesso dovrebbe partire but the chorus is that you are bbbuona noooooooooo, the world is cattivoooo who does not want you do not deserve.

Not at all.

Seavessi is basically a solitary person.
Give her a good book, a quiet house, a forest for a walk, the sea to swim off, and you can forget about Seavessi . In fact, once Seavessi, on holiday in Rhodes, had a wonderful swim, lost track of time, and came back there was all that gave to the beach was lost and condolences to FidanzatoNP.

This means that, according to most acquaintances, Seavessi leads a life of deadly boring and needs to be saved from itself.

When acquaintances / friends looking for would-be excited to do drag things (outlet shopping, disco, apericene) that in principle the bored to death, Seavessi, who can not reject, it goes, dislocates his jaw in yawning and smiling unconvinced.

The day after the so-called friends call _oh Seavessi excited saying, you've had lots of fun?
Seavessi says yes, grateful smiles and change the phone number.

All things evitabilissime Seavessi if only to learn to say no _ looks to me you are also nice, but to go shopping with you to the outlet of Serravalle Scrivia the first day of sales not going.

E 'then with barely concealed pride that Seavessi going to tell you the following.

Seavessi home Sunday morning, internal day.

Seavessi is in the room that is remaking the bed and tidying up. The infant is in her room playing to give breakfast to orsipù.

a orsopù At one point, apparently escaped the sabotage of Seavessi, decides it's the right time to express his feelings.


Infanta ( puzzled ) _But attolutamente NO!


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