Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Lake Como, Lario, the ancient Romans, is 46 km long, covers an area of \u200b\u200b145 square kilometers, a maximum depth of 410 m and a width varying between 4.3 km and 0.430 km. On it the winds blow steady and Tivano Breva. Follow each other around the rugged mountains and rolling hills, narrow valleys and rugged, and other broad and gentle, densely populated plains, small villages and cities, towns, lake and mountain villages, rushing streams and the Great River Adda. The Como area for its position on major routes linking Central Europe and the Mediterranean world, has always been subject to an intensive flow passage. From this geographical position has drawn the interests of civilization and profound changes, in every age has been able to extract from the wisdom of their people and connecting with people as diverse stimuli to create fascinating works of art.

The Lario pushes its peak at Valchiavenna and Valtellina, snow to the passes and famous Spluga, Maloja and Stelvio, old keys for travel and trade with the Rhineland and the Tyrol. The lake itself, together to a complex coastal roads, substantiated by the Via Regia and the Wayfarer's Path (, was advertised in road traffic area with many calls: they originated from countries still watched the towers and castles pointing to the validity of a strategic route continuously disputed. The discovery of the lake was first medieval merchants and boatmen, and the armies that tried to control: the Venetians unnecessarily, effectively the Spaniards, who took two strongholds, in Lecco and Colico against the Serenissima, the Fort Fuentes, of meet the Swiss leagues.



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